By Ayomide Adewoyin Program Officer, DGI Consult Background Nigeria, with an estimated population of 208 million people, is the most populous country in Africa and the seventh most populous country in the world. With an annual population growth rate of 2.58% and a total fertility rate of 5.3 births... read more →
Date: 21/10/2021 Problem Statement: The high burden of diseases in Nigeria is largely attributable to grossly inadequate funding for health in the country. Nigeria's health financing landscape is characterized by suboptimal public investment in health as the government spends less than 1% of the country's GDP on health, which is... read more →
Tuesday 13th of July, 2021 marked a significant milestone in the quest to improve access to quality and affordable health care at the grassroots as a flag-off ceremony was held to officially mark the commencement of the Christian Aid-funded UHC Intervention being implemented by DGI Consult in Keffi LGA of Nasarawa State.... read more →
To improve budgetary execution rate which has been identified as a major challenge that militates against adequate public spending on health in Lagos state, DGI Consult engaged key stakeholders in the health and central budget agencies through a capacity-building workshop. The capacity building workshop was held to deepen the understanding... read more →
The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic has launched the global community into a health crisis of an unanticipated magnitude, with far-reaching socio-economic consequences. The vulnerability of the Nigerian economy to global shocks and the country’s suboptimal level of preparedness and response to epidemics was exposed by the associated economic and health... read more →
In the quest for improving the institutional and operational capacity of Gombe State Contributory Health Management Agency (Go-Health) to fully implement its contributory health scheme, DGI Consult is currently providing technical support for the agency. The support is designed to strengthen the institutional capacity of Go-Health and place it on... read more →
DGI Consult supported the Oyo State Ministry of Health to develop the state’s Health Financing Policy and Strategy in alignment with the state’s objective of ensuring predictable and sustainable financing for health and financial risk protection for all Oyo State residents as outlined in the Oyo State Strategic Health Development... read more →
DGI Consult supported the Lagos State Health Management Agency (LASHMA) to promote its health insurance enrolment drive through informal sector engagement. The firm co-facilitated a workshop to engage the umbrella bodies of the informal sector in Lagos State on enrolment of their members into the Lagos State Health Scheme (LSHS).... read more →
As part of efforts towards achieving sustainable investment in epidemic preparedness and bridging the identifiable gaps in Nigeria's health security landscape, DGI Consult has been engaged by Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI) to conduct an assessment on program opportunities to engage the private sector, development partners and others on epidemic... read more →
DGI Consult Conducted a Policy-shaping Fiscal Space Analysis for Family Planning Commodity Financing
Evidence from the past nine years of FP commodity financing showed that donors account for more than 70% of all funds used for FP commodity procurement in the country. The funding gap widens as demand for FP services increases. In the quest for improving funding for FP commodity procurement, DGI... read more →