In pursuit of its evidence-to-policy-and-action quest, DGI Consult has assembled a team of seasoned and experienced health policy and system researchers with the main goal of producing cutting-edge research that will significantly inform policy and system-strengthening actions, thereby paving the way for Universal Health Coverage in Nigeria. To achieve this, a research agenda that sets research priorities and provides a clear roadmap for translating evidence into action has been developed.
The DGI Consult Health Systems Research Agenda outlines key areas of focus aimed at addressing critical challenges within Nigeria’s health system. Developed through a collaborative process with health system researchers and practitioners, the agenda identifies five thematic areas: governance, financing, human resources for health, climate change, and technology. Each theme is broken down into specific research questions that target topical issues in the country.
The DGI Consult is determined to narrow the gap between evidence production and consumption by conducting research that aligns with national policy thrusts and emerging global health priorities.

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