Blog Center

May 24
Apr 24
Apr 21

Towards Repositioning Health Insurance Operations in Nasarawa State: DGI Supports NASHIA to Review its Operational Guideline

In 2020, DGI Consult supported the Nasarawa State Health Insurance Agency (NASHIA) to develop its operational guideline as part of the technical support provided to NASHIA towards providing a sound operational framework for the commencement of full health insurance operations. After about three years of implementing the state health insurance... read more →
Apr 21
Apr 21
Apr 21

Organizational Capacity of SSHIAs and SPHCDAs in Nasarawa, Plateau and Zamfara States Strengthened for improved Service Delivery

In the quest for expanding access to sustainable pro-poor health financing options and essential health services for the poor and vulnerable population, DGI Consult commenced capacity strengthening for State Social Health Insurance Agencies (SSHIAs) and State Primary Health Care Development Agencies (SPHCDAs) in Nasarawa, Plateau and Zamfara, with funding from... read more →
Apr 21

Designing Viable Interventions to Optimize Human Resource for Health in Kaduna, Kano and Lagos States

In 2023, DGI Consult conducted a detailed Human Resource for Health (HRH) situational analysis in 10 Bill and Melinda Gates (BMGF)-supported states to understand the gaps in HRH policy, financing and management and their implications for workforce optimization, and ultimately service delivery. The analysis also identified existing promising HRH-optimizing interventions and made... read more →
Feb 23
Feb 21
Feb 16