Areas of Strategic Engagement

Areas of Strategic Engagement
Our Mission

To promote the use of evidence to improve the quality of governance in terms of policy-making, institutional arrangements, coordination and collaboration, and accountability towards expanding access to quality social services with equity.

Our Core Values

Excellence, Creativity, and Social Justice

Development Governance International Consult (DGI Consult)

A strong belief in the centrality of robust governance systems, innovations, and leadership in solving development challenges across social sectors forms the core of our company’s philosophy. Guided by this philosophy and driven by evidence for decision-making, DGI Consult delivers state-of-the-art technical assistance and program management through seasoned staff and a network of local and international consultants.

DGI Consult provides technical support to strengthen and improve the performance of organizations at the national and sub-national levels. We partner with national and subnational government institutions, bilateral and multilateral organizations, and development partners to address development challenges.

Our mission is to promote the use of evidence to improve the quality of governance in terms of policy-making, institutional arrangements, coordination and collaboration, and accountability towards expanding access to quality social services with equity.

Our specific areas of core competence are:

  1. Policy and program development, implementation, and evaluation
  2. Institutional capacity strengthening for implementation of policies and plans
  3. Health financing and governance system strengthening
  4. Health financing analytics
    a. Fiscal space analysis
    b. Political economy analysis
    c. Public Financial Management (PFM) assessment and resource tracking
  5. Domestic Resource Mobilization
  6. Human resources for health (HRH) optimization
  7. Design of multisectoral accountability frameworks that define a model for multisectoral action towards accountability for efficient use of resources
  8. Community mobilization for universal health coverage
  9. Facility and financial management capacity building
  10. Costing and financial modelling for health interventions


Dr. Gafar Alawode

Dr. Gafar Alawode

Managing Partner

Kafayat Alawode

Kafayat Alawode

Program Coordinator

Jennifer Ako

Jennifer Ako

Finance and Admin Manager


Areas of Core Competence

Policy and program development, implementation, and evaluation

Institutional capacity strengthening for implementation of policy and plans

Health financing and governance system strengthening

Health financing analytics(Fiscal space analysis, Political economy analysis, Public Financial Management (PFM) assessment and resource tracking)

Domestic resource mobilization

Human resources for health (HRH) optimization

Design of multisectoral accountability frameworks that define a model for multisectoral action towards accountability, for efficient use of resources

Community mobilization for universal health coverage

Facility and financial management capacity building

Costing and financial modelling for health interventions

Our Projects


Outcome Assessment of UNICEF Intervention for Improving Social Protection for the Poor and Vulnerable in Two Zero-dose LGAs of Yobe State

After about two years of supporting the Yobe State Contributory Healthcare Management Agency (YSCHMA) to conduct a client satisfaction survey and an outcome.. Read More →

Viable Interventions Designed to Optimize Human Resource for Health in Kaduna, Kano and Lagos States

In 2023, DGI Consult conducted a detailed Human Resource for Health (HRH) situational analysis in 10 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)-supported states.. Read More →

Improving the Design, Adoption and Effective Implementation of Health Tax Policies in Nigeria

Nigeria, like other Low-and-Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) is facing an increasing burden of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) with nearly one-third of deaths in the country.. Read More →