DGI Consult was engaged by the Nigeria Governor’s Forum (NGF) to develop an electronic platform to track and visualize health and other socio-economic indicators on behalf of the team. The activities carried out on this assignment include: Conducted a deep dive analysis of the available budget documents to; Compute... read more →
15 February 2014 NIGERIA accounts for a disproportionate share of global burden of disease; while Nigerians represent just 2 percent of the world population the country accounts for 13 percent of the under-five mortality globally according to the UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation ( 2013). In the same... read more →
22 February 2017 Gaps in availability and quality of maternal health care services constitute a major obstacle to achieving the desired maternal health outcomes in low- and middle-income countries such as Nigeria. Initiatives aimed at improving quality of maternal health care tend to address quality of care issues in isolation,... read more →
Did you know that over 8 million people die every year in low and middle-income countries; deaths that could have been avoided with good quality health systems... Stay updated on factual health stories and educating articles on UHC every week. Click here to view the Newsletter
Did you know that over 8 million people die every year in low and middle-income countries; deaths that could have been avoided with good quality health systems... Stay updated on factual health stories and educating articles on UHC every week. Click here to view the Newsletter
Did you know that over 8 million people die every year in low and middle-income countries; deaths that could have been avoided with good quality health systems... Stay updated on factual health stories and educating articles on UHC every week. Click here to view the Newsletter
Did you know that over 8 million people die every year in low and middle-income countries; deaths that could have been avoided with good quality health systems... Stay updated on factual health stories and educating articles on UHC every week. Click here to view the Newsletter
Did you know that over 8 million people die every year in low and middle-income countries; deaths that could have been avoided with good quality health systems... Stay updated on factual health stories and educating articles on UHC every week Click here to view the Newsletter
26 February 2020 The National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) established in 1999 with the mandate of extending health insurance to all Nigerians by the year 2015. However, a few defects in the legal, institutional and operational frameworks of the Agency impeded this Universal Health Coverage (UHC) quest, such that naturally... read more →
French climatologist Jean Jouzel French climatologist Jean Jouzel says the swift global reaction to the coronavirus crisis may bode well for the climate as well: It shows that in a real emergency, nations have the means – and the will – to act. "It is just as urgent to tackle the... read more →